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LUCIFER'S DESTINY-Royal Wedding, Birthquakes & Resurrection

"I should tell you, watch Prince William...
It's coming soon

- Goro/Etemenanki, Oct 20, 2010 

Oct 20: Prince William proposes to Kate Middleton
in total secret in Kenya - world oblivious
Nov 16: Engagement announced - world reacts

What I write about on this website - all things "multicontextual" - tend to perplex people. So out of alignment is it with most people's normal mode of thinking that they get disoriented and end up leaving in a state of confusion. Their inner knowing may recognize a higher order of "truth" but the conscious mind needs a lot more convincing and time before it can digest and begins to concede that there is such thing as "multicontextual coherence" - typically expressed as synchronicities - that underlies reality beyond the threshed of what is normally considered possible.
It's one thing to notice bits and pieces of "meaningful coincidences" in life. It's harmless. Numerology? Cute. Symbolism? Entertaining. Maybe even inspiring. But when it gets to the point of super interchontextual coherence - which is what I highlight and demonstrate on this website - it apparently gets a little discombobulating and even "scary" for many. The ordinary mind tries to find a way to squash it, so that order is restored, no need to radically revise one's view of the world. To accept it is to reject a fundamental bedrock of one's practical but incomplete understanding of reality. That would be like experiencing a catastrophic earthquake and then having to rebuild a city. It's a tall order. It takes great effort and commitment. Something we don't normally look forward to.
So I understand the psychological effects. It can be an instant crossroads in that the mind has to make a big decision concerning the nature of reality itself. Consciously or unconsciously this pressure is felt and it makes many uncomfortable. But such is the nature of truth. Truth, more often than not, becomes inconvenience. You either decide to accept it or deny it. Life is a series of these decisions. You keep denying and it takes its toll. There is you, there is truth, and in between is time.
The more we go against truth, the more trapped we get in time. And it gets heavier and heavier... until it collapses like a star into a black hole. We need to short circuit the process and escape time. For that, finding truth and accepting it must be our priority. It takes a lot of energy and focus because truth hides like fox and we must chase it into the rabbit hole where it's dark and you'll need a map to navigate effectively otherwise you just end up going in circles. This "map" or "radar" is what is signified by what I call multicontextual (or intercontextual) coherence. It's a bit like using a Venn diagram; you go for the most heavily layered area for the most universal "answer". Put another way, it's like a "meta analysis" of synchronicities. A "meaningful coincidence" here, another synchronicity there, and another there... This much people can notice and they try to interpret each such "sign". But they don't think to or don't know how to find connections between these "coincidences" that unify them. The area of such unification - coherence - is the blip on the radar or an arrow pointing to the direction of truth.
How do I know? Because truth necessarily transcends time and that means you'd know you're on the right path when the "map" you're using begins to point to, by way of projecting patterns forward, things/events in the future that come true. That's the "Holy Grail" in the search for hidden truth. It's the Stone of Destiny.
I've been at this for many years now and have long realized that it's through the use of this "Holy Grail" - making the hidden nature of reality undeniable via accurate predictions - that the readers' conscious mind can be sufficiently and quickly motivated to start "revising" its model of reality. It becomes a "wake-up call" that facilitates a plunge into the rabbit hole.
The Prince William Royal Engagement prediction last fall was one such "wake-up call", and a powerful one, which is why I decided to start this article with it. It helps (new) readers quickly realize they are dealing with, not some new-age mumbo-jumbo, but something with substance reflecting hidden truths.
As it turns out, I was much more explicit in my Royal Engagement prediction on STRUG (underground/members area) where I wrote in a post dated October 20, 2010:
Alright guys... I think I got it. And it is, as usual, both expected and unexpected. This will probably not make you go 'ah ha!' right away, but you will soon see it and get it. This is pretty special, in a way the first multicontextual gateway to the 'next season'... 2011/2012.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about what's at the inter-temporal core of the recent and ongoing Underworld Resurrection rituals, most notably the Chilean miners rescue which is heavily entangled (via pentagrams) with the upcoming window around Halloween (opening perhaps as early as the 24th).

And we may well see it come to life right there around late October-early November. I wouldn't be surprised at all. It would make perfect sense. I'm talking about...
the announcement of the engagement
& imminent wedding of...
Prince William & Kate Middleton.

[...] This will open the 'floodgate'. And I'm projecting that based on the trajectory of the collective pattern I've discerned the impact could easily arrive during our 'Halloween window' which I would define as late Oct-early Nov, anchored by the Venus inferior conjunction on October 29. [...] It's about to kick into a higher gear. It's about to begin... [end quote]
The definition of a Venus "inferior conjunction" is Venus being positioned between the Sun and Earth or in other words the formation of a Sun-Venus-Earth alignment. When it's so precise that Venus passes right in front of the Sun as seen from the Earth, it's called the "Transit of Venus" which occurs very rarely and in pairs. We are currently in the middle of a "Mayan Venus transit pair" in 2004/2012.
Something magical happens when you trace a series of successive Venus inferior conjunctions. By the time you reach the 6th conjunction, you will have drawn a near-perfect pentagram inscribed inside the Earth orbit. A Venus Transit pair - separated by 8 years - has four inferior conjunction between them, six in total, neatly completing one pentagram in that time span.

For the current transit pair, October 29, 2010 was the last conjunction before the pentagram is complete, back at the starting position. Venus was "reborn" there as the "Morning Star." In fact, Every Venus inferior conjunction entails Venus first becoming "invisible" for a few days: During daytime Venus is too close to the Sun for observation, during nighttime Venus is hidden below the horizon with the Sun. Then as Venus progresses forward along its orbit and increasingly farther away from the alignment or the Sun, Venus begins to make a brief reappearance just before sunrise. Each morning Venus will be visible for a longer period of time and higher in the sky. This is a phase of Venus when it's called the "Morning Star" also known as "Lucifer" (literally meaning "light bearer").
Inherent in the symbolism of the pentagram is the idea of the Underworld. In ancient Egypt for example a pentagram/5-pointed star in a circle denoted their Underworld "Duat" ruled by Osiris the god of the dead.
As we all witnessed, a pentagrammic portal between our world and the Underworld flung open in 2010, "the Year We Make Contact"...
Gulf of Mexico BP oil leak disaster (April-July 2010):
Chile mine collapse/rescue (August-October 2010):
Chile's pentagrammic signature couldn't be more obvious, even magically reflected in its timing via "pentachronometry":
The phoenix, it suggested, was coming out of the Underworld...

["Phoenix" capsule used in dramatic Chile mine rescue]
...stressing the notion of "resurrection" in effect reiterating the narrative of Lucifer escaping the chthonic prison or the astronomical event of Venus's rebirth as the Morning Star. Then by way of pentachronometry it was subsequently implied that there is another, if not the main phoenix/Morning Star/Lucifer figure, in the form of William/Kate...
Rising and "earthshaking"...
The epicenter of the deadly quake in Chile (2010) constituted a "prophetic" temporal marker for the October 29 (2010) Venus inferior conjunction anchoring the Royal Engagement window (late Oct-early Nov) where Venus was reborn as the Morning Star.

There was no question, the Royal Engagement/Wedding was deeply embedded in the fabric of space-time of this particular period. The inference was that, for whatever reason (more on that soon), it was a really big deal. Signs, as they say, were everywhere, including the following interconnected events precisely at the time of the "Venus rebirth". It was mysterious. It was prophetic. Now manifesting before our eyes like a tidal wave...
*    *    *
November 8, 2010
At Sunrise...

Nov 8~ Cruise ship fire leaves 4,500 stranded near San Diego
[Fire on ship precisely at sunrise]
The "Mystery Missile", rising in sunset twilight near Los Angeles and Long Beach, was such a striking sight it even got the mainstream media talking for a few days. It was a big mystery, and whatever it was, it seemed to have been "launched" from the direction of Santa Catalina Island...

[Very rough CBS map of the incident]

Evidence suggests it was probably an optical illusion created by a vivid contrail trailing a normal jet, either Flight UPS902 or AWA808. The latter was en route from Hawaii to Phoenix, AZ. Both flights would have been flying right over Catalina Island at the time of the anomalous sighting.

The Carnival Splendor cruise ship - also originating in Long Beach - was no illusion. It was real and was helplessly stranded off the west coast of the US/Mexico southeast from Catalina, disabled by an early-morning fire emergency at sunrise. (Map not to scale.)

Two notable "twilight events"... producing a specific angle, ~25 degrees from the north-south axis...
...which happened to be the exact angle of the Phoenix constellation rising on the horizon within an hour after the "Mystery Missile launch" at sunset that day.
The moment of sunset itself would have seen the constellation making its way up right below the horizon and the cruise ship. Thus throughout the "magical" period of light giving way to darkness, Phoenix was in the process of being resurrected from the Underworld (death), which is the very essence of the legendary firebird.
And this "Underworld", taken literally, would have been directly under their feet. At the time of the "Mystery Missile" (sunset), those on Catalina Island (or the whole West Coast for that matter) would have "seen" - if they could see through the earth - this celestial configuration:
At the nadir they would have seen Argo Navis - a defunct constellation - which is a big ship like Carnival Splendor, now broken up into a number of smaller constellations, the largest of which is called Carina (meaning "keel").
At sunrise - when Carnival Splendor was experiencing a fire emergency - Argo Navis was seen "sailing" right on the horizon due south partially submerged. The Carina section was underwater or in the "Underworld".
A clear, albeit coded, message was being sent... concerning in particular the Royal Couple/Wedding. It's no coincidence that November 8 was right in the middle of a Royal Engagement period (Oct 20-Nov 16).
Prince William and Kate Middleton. Or Catherine Middleton.
"Carina" and "Catherine" are variations of the same name. So is "Catalina". "Katherine/Catherine" is also said to derive from "Hecate," a Greco-Roman goddess of witchcraft, crossroads and... the Underworld.
Catalina = Carina = Catherine = Hecate = Underworld
Not just any Underworld, but in this case specifically "Avalon". That's the name of Catalina Island's only incorporated city (in effect its "capital"). "Avalon" also literally means "apple", a fruit that hides a 5-pointed star in its core.
Also of great esoteric significance, "Avalon" is the name of the island where King Arthur is said to be resting and is expected to return from. In other words, Avalon is the "Underworld" of the Once and Future King. And King Arthur is of course a British king archetype.
The implication being the wedding/rise of Prince William and Kate is, whether by design or by coincidence, designed to become a modern analogue of the "Resurrection of King Arthur".
There is a sense of "destiny" permeating all this, hence also a heightened degree of predictability. I can say that having already demonstrated it publicly. And not just the timing of the Royal Engagement; I had the general time frame and symbolism down years ago. In a 2009 article "The Moonwalker Prophecy", for example:
Is this it? The long-awaited moment of the resurrection of the phoenix? A somewhat ironic rebirth of 'King William'? [...]
It's as if we are in for a major shift in the British Royal Family starting 2010 just in time for the 2012 London Olympics. [...]
A straightforward interpretation would be that Prince William will become King William in or around 2012. If not literal, then this should at least be a major symbolic storyline set to (if not already) drive key world events in/around 2010-2012. [red emphasis added]
(Note: Another/alternative scenario worth watching is the royal couple conceiving and/or having a baby in or around 2012.)
Destiny. All signs point to this royal stuff being of "cosmic" significance. But why? Any particular reason behind the "retelling" of the medieval romance through William & Kate? Just an allegorical expression or could there be some historic fact woven into the matter? The answer may surprise you...
*    *    *
Resurrecting Grail Bloodline
It's real. It's real as far as it being a special strain of the British royal bloodline or more specifically the Stuart bloodline...
The senior Stewart descent goes all the way back to King Arthur's father, King Aedan of Scots, on the one hand and to Prince Nascien of the Septimanian Midi on the other. The Scots descent traces further back through King Lucius of Siluria to Bran the Blessed and Joseph of Arimathea (St James the Just), while the Midi succession stems from the Merovingians' male ancestral line through the Fisher Kings to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Conjoining the lines from their 1st-century points of departure, the descent is in the succession of the Royal House of Judah. This is a truly unique line of sovereign lineage from King David in one of the key descents which comprise the Bloodline of the Holy Grail.
[From Bloodline of the Holy Grail, pp. 344-5]
Or so goes the theory put forward by noted esoteric researcher and bestselling author Launce Gardner who recently passed away in August 2010.
Though it seems to be outside of Gardner's interest, it is an established fact that Prince William is a descendant of multiple Stuart kings who ruled England, Scotland, and Ireland during the 16th and 17th centuries. That alone does not make William particularly "special". What makes him special is the fact that his bloodline, through his mother Princess Diana, can be traced back to King James II, Charles II, and through both of whom Charles I and James I. Although the House of Windsor (Prince William's father side) has also descended via the "Sophia Succession" from the first Stuart king on the English throne James I (1566-1625), Prince William (and Harry) is the first heir to the throne descended from either King James II (grandson of James I) or King Charles II (another grandson of James I), which makes him part of or at least closely related to the "Jacobite Succession".
The distinction is critical and makes all the difference. This is due to the historical fact that there was a major split involving two Stuart factions, those of the "Sophia Succession" and those of the "Jacobite Succession" during the reign of King James II (1685-1688). There the royal bloodline/succession became contentious as James II was ousted by William III of Orange married to his daughter Mary Stuart (Mary II). James II fled the country and "King Billy" and Mary II started their joint rule. James II, now crownless but still alive, and his ouster supposedly "illegal", a sizable supporters continued to follow him and his sons. Those became known as the "Jacobites" who would engage in a series of battles in an effort to restore the "lost" king (bloodline) in his rightful place. From their perspective, the closer in blood the claimant was to James II, the more legitimate the claim. The new king on the throne was therefore deemed illegitimate, and the Jacobites weren't going without putting up a good fight.
After both Queen Mary II and her sister Anne, who inherited the throne after King William III, died childless, the only surviving progeny issued from King James II was James Francis Edward Francis ("James III") who was first in the original line of succession and had a son and a grandson. This was the "Jacobite Succession" which sought to reclaim kingship for at least four generations.
The crown, however, did not return to them even after Anne's passing terminated that particular line of succession nominally based on James II's bloodline. The "Act of Settlement 1701" had ordained the crown be passed to the nearest Protestant relative (the Jacobite Stuarts were Catholic) which at the time of Anne's death was the eldest son of Sophia, Electress of Hanover, descending from James I (first Stuart monarch on the English throne, grandfather of James II). Via this path emerged King George I, and through whom the Germanic House of Hanover as a ruling house. This was the rise of the "Sophia Succession" which continues to this day in the form of the House of Windsor.
The primary "Jacobite Succession" of James II apparently died out with Henry Benedict Stuart (great grandson of James II). The next legitimate senior Stuart bloodline was then one descending from Charles I (father of James II) through Henrietta Anne Stuart. This succession continues to this day and has as its latest Jacobite claimant to the British throne (though no serious claim is made) Franz, Duke of Bavaria.
Princess Diana, as the chart reveals, was a direct descendant through multiple illegitimate lines of multiple Stuart kings on the "Jacobite side" (James II & Charles II/I). In this less-than-obvious way Prince William & Harry emerged as the first (real/male) heirs to the throne descended from either Charles II or James II. In other words, the union of Princess Diana and Prince Charles - embodied by William & Harry (assuming Harry's father is Charles which has been questioned by some) - signifies the reunification of the two battling Stuart bloodlines, i.e. the Sophia Succession and the Jacobite Succession. Reunited at last... after more than 300 years!
Add to this the aforementioned notion of a Stuart "Grail bloodline" and we may have here what literally or at least symbolically amounts to the "Grail resurrection" or "Return of King Arthur". Prince William, Catherine, and their future child will thus represent a modern "re-imagination" of the Grail Trinity, Christ, Mary Magdalene, and their child or the supposed origin of the "Grail bloodline".
*    *    *
The phoenix and the Grail - together expressing "Resurrection of Jesus"... or "Easter" (Resurrection Day). It goes hand in hand with earthquakes per the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 28:
And in the end of the sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, to see the sepulchre. And behold there was a great earthquake. For an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and coming rolled back the stone and sat upon it. And his countenance was as lightning and his raiment as snow. And for fear of him, the guards were struck with terror and became as dead men. And the angel answering, said to the women: Fear not you: for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here. For he is risen, as he said. Come, and see the place where the Lord was laid. And going quickly, tell his disciples that he is risen.

Easter 2010 fell on April 4th exactly opposite October 8th or the Chilean mine rescue (= phoenix). Sure enough, the earth shook... Baja California.

Not far from where Carnival Splendor was stranded. Notable in this context in that the term "Carnival" refers to a festive season immediately before Lent or Ash Wednesday which marks the start of a 46-day countdown to Easter. Carnival - said to mean "farewell to meat/flesh" - is traditionally when people devour meat in preparation for the traditional fasting of Lent. On Carnival Splendor, the 4,500 passengers lived on spam (canned meat) for the duration of the 4-day emergency...
Another suggested origin of "Carnival" is "Carrus Navalis" meaning "ship cart" (of Isis => Venus).
Equally telling, November 8 would have been the last day of Carnival if counted (46 days) from Christmas instead of Easter, i.e. birth instead of re-birth, practically interchangeable.
The week or so preceding November 9 (start of Lent/fasting) would have then signified the core period of Carnival a la the Mardi Gras celebrations. This was when the word "tsunami" was being tossed around in the media in reference to the November 2nd US midterm election. A "tsunami warning"...
...typically caused by earthquakes or the "Big Ones".
Right on cue, we saw California/San Andreas/San Francisco populating the headlines around the same time.
It's important to point out that San Francisco identifies itself with the phoenix for having recovered from a series of major earthquakes and fires (most notably the 1906 disaster which killed thousands of people).

[Flag of San Francisco]
Resurrection is synonymous with rebirth, implying the process of coming once again out of the womb following a "water breaking" event... a la "tsunami" (Great Flood).
Flash forward to early March 2011, the actual period of Carnival and the start of Lent, when the "prophecy" was fulfilled in a dramatic fashion.
This happened mere three days into Lent on March 11, 2011, one of the largest quakes in history violently shaking the earth off northeast Japan triggering a massive tsunami, destroying many cities, killing tens of thousands people, and even causing a nuclear disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Without any question this was the Big One. Huge. Shocking. Apocalyptic. All that. This was it.
Fortunately for California and San Francisco, this time the Big One struck the opposite side of the "Ring of Fire" across the Pacific Ocean.
The underlying design remains the same, however, as evidenced by all the "fingerprints" left behind just beneath the surface.
Take for example the fact that the latitudinal position of the Japan Birthquake and the Fukushima nuclear power plant (37.42N-38.32N) almost exactly matches that of the San Francisco Bay Area. (In other words, both same distance from the equator.)
There is also the fact that Fukushima's latitude (~37.5N) is pentagrammic if "orbitally adjusted" from the "ideal" angle of 36 degrees based on the Earth's actual eccentricity (off-center orbital path). A little twisted, but certainly a clever way of achieving the level of precision we would expect from our "Enki" intelligence. And in this way the date ~April 27 was orbitally highlighted, mere two days before the Royal Wedding and coinciding with the anniversary of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster (Aril 26~).
There was also an implied "Birthquake Box" created in the Ring of Fire with a missing corner corresponding to California/SF Bay Area:
It's not necessarily that the West Coast/California/SF is in the crosshairs of the next "Big One", but it's also hard to deny that the potential is clearly there, highlighted. It is a major storyline at least and a key data point we can use to navigate the river of time as we move closer to and beyond Passover, Easter, and the Royal Wedding.
(Note: There are a couple of very intense "deep impact" windows coming up around late July and mid August that may well come into play.)
In essence, "Birthquakes" are designed to accompany the Rebirth of King Arthur so as to express the "water breaking" (of the womb). Just as I was saying even before the Japan Birthquake:
...the cosmic significance of the Royal Engagement and Wedding which will be one of the biggest events in 2011. So significant is it, in fact, that you are going to find that it's quite literally 'earthshaking', big time, this one. [from Dec 26, 2010]
...I think you can see why (though this is only one of many reasons) I've been emphasizing for months now the potentiality of the "Big One Birthquake" (San Andreas Fault, US west coast, Ring of Fire [which includes Japan], and so forth) for 2011 in conjunction with the "Day of Destiny" (4/29). [from Jan 05, 2011]
...The timing here is important. Without going into detail, let's just say we'll like have an "interesting" - very interesting - Easter/Resurrection sequence this year peaking mid/late April [...] The Royal Wedding is naturally part of it along with the theoretical "Birthquake" but not exclusively so. The sequence may begin as early as early-March. That's it for now on that. [from Feb 19, 2011]

Hindsight is one thing. Foresight is another, a completely different animal, because it implies verified insights no matter the method. Put simply, results speak for themselves.
*    *    *
San Andreas
Tracing the path of Carnival Splendor from beginning to end (Nov 7-11, 2010) puts the final nail in the coffin as far as legitimizing the ominous scenario.
It went from the Port of Long Beach, right where people saw the "Mystery Missile", to the Port of San Diego...

Join the dots literally and we get the bearing ~41.6 degrees from due south, which is azimuth 138.4 deg., precisely matching the angle (= azimuth = grid based on horizon) of the brightest star of the Phoenix constellation rising below the horizon at the moment of sunset on November 8 (i.e. the time of the Mystery Missile).

Extend the line in the opposite direction and it pinpoints with chilling precision... San Francisco - our "phoenix city"!

And here comes the really ominous part...
The same "phoenix alignment line" running through California "just happens" to magically merge with the San Andreas Fault! This is of course a geologic fault widely feared for its near-certain potential to cause the "Big One" in California.

There is one segment in particular, about 130 miles (210 km) in length, where the two lines become practically indistinguishable from each other:

Chilling precision, sending an unmistakable message.
At the very least it whispers "phoenix resurrection comes with earthquake" - a warning already fulfilled at least in part via Japan. Taken more literally, it could of course suggest the "Birthquake Sequence", if it continues forward in 2011-2012, will target the US West Coast with a Big One via the San Andreas Fault. Just an interpretation, but an uncomfortably plausible one.

*    *    *

Unbeknownst to those living their oblivious lives, a recent space shuttle mission Discovery STS-133 (February-March 2011) gave us a glimpse of the "Destiny" - future written, future to be fulfilled - as it carried "Robonaut2", the first humanoid robot in space, to the International Space Station where it was unpacked and installed in NASA's Destiny Laboratory Module...
"Destiny", it whispered via the mission patch, was for the phoenix to rise up from the Underworld...

...via a Stargate...
[Stargate Universe on Syfy since October 2009 -
all about an ancient spaceship called "Destiny"]
[Stargate Universe will end its run on May 9, 2011, just 10 days after the Royal Wedding aka the "Day of Destiny".]
...from the Core:
The Core (2003) - literally the Underworld - revolves around "Project Destiny" or DESTINI - "Deep Earth Seismic Trigger INItiative" - an "earthquake machine".
Near the beginning of the movie a space shuttle makes an emergency landing in Los Angeles...

[The Core: Space shuttle landing during opening sequence]
...after flying directly over Catalina Island (even approximate coordinates displayed on screen) very much like the "Mystery Missile" (Flight UPS902/AWA808)!
In the real world, our own "Destiny" space shuttle mission STS-133 returned to earth on March 9th (2011)...
...just two days before the Japanese Birthquake. Talk about "Deep Earth Seismic Trigger INItiative"...
The next space shuttle mission, Endeavour STS-134, is scheduled for launch on April 29 - Royal Wedding Day.
UPDATE 4/27: The commander on STS-134 is Mark Kelly, married to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords who was shot in the head back on January 8th in Tucson, Arizona. (Miraculously "resurrected", she will attend the shuttle launch.) Tucson is located at the foot of the Santa Catalina Mountains. Santa Catalina (as in both Santa Catalina Mountains and Santa Catalina Island) means "St. Catherine, whose feast day is April 29. She is noted for her claim to have experienced a "Mystic Marriage" with Jesus. [End update]

[Tucson & Santa Catalina Mountains]
In The Core the last-ditch effort to stop the end of the world involves nuclear detonations inside the earth's core. In the real world, we saw (and still seeing) Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant where a "core breach" was feared after the tsunami.
In The Core, the earth changes on the surface culminates in the worst disaster in the history of the United States... in San Francisco.
In the real world, well... this hasn't happened yet. And hopefully it won't, even though signs are pointing in that direction.
Another eerie fiction-reality overlap was the strange case of the falling birds around the beginning of the year. They were for the most part "Red-winged black birds" scientifically known as Agelaius phoeniceus the latter word stemming from the same root as "phoenix".
In The Core we are shown falling/crashing birds right at the beginning of the movie in London. During the same scene we see the number "429" flashed, evoking "April 29" i.e. (British) Royal Wedding Day aka "Day of Destiny".
The same combination of falling birds, "April 29", and destiny also leaked through a recent TV series called FlashForward (Sep 2009-May 2010), a story about mankind coping with its destiny briefly revealed via "future visions" during a mysterious "Global Blackout" which also causes birds to fall out f the sky as shown in the October 8, 2009 episode "137 Skunden". Everyone (except those who would be dead by then) foresaw what they would be doing on that future date, April 29, 2010 aka "FlashForward Day".

Or, as I've been calling it, the "Day of Destiny".

*    *    *

In a way, the Royal Wedding and the whole system of "signs" surrounding it represent a microcosm of where we are in history and the evolution of mankind. We, the human species, may be on the verge of experiencing a "quantum leap" in evolution. So dramatic is this leap, perhaps, that it might be something akin to "ascension". At least that is the narrative we can infer from another aspect of the November 8 twin events heavily interacting with Arthur C. Clarke's classic sci-fi novel Childhood's End (1953).
Clarke also wrote "2010: The Year We Make Contact" (book/film), so the timing was right for this "coincidence".
Especially since, like 2010, the novel also deals with the issue of Contact with extraterrestrial intelligence in a less abstract way. Clarke in Childhood's End gives us living and breathing aliens, flesh and blood like us... except they look like demons.

They are called "Overlords" who came to oversee the "final phase" of human evolution, which is to merge with the "Overmind" - a god-like cosmic intelligence. The Overlords themselves are somehow incapable of this merger and their function in the universe is to serve the Overmind by helping other species make the cosmic transition which is one of going from beings of flesh and blood to one existing on a higher plane of existence, i.e. "ascension". The Overlords are in effect "midwives" giving assistance to those "giving birth".
In the demonic-looking Overlords we can see a clear reflection of "Lucifer" (fallen angel) which as we've seen is everywhere during this "Rebirth"/Resurrection" period around "2010".
Ritualistically then Easter/Lent/Carnival represents a period of great significance to the birthing process. ("Birther" movement anyone?) Carnival in particular resonates deeply with Childhood's End as "carnival" literally means "farewell to flesh" which could have easily been slapped on the book as its title or subtitle. Carnival Splendor and its widely reported "spam" (meat) diet during the "transposed" Carnival/Ash Wednesday period ~46 days before Christmas (plus in Germany Carnival starts on November 11) was a highly visible "sign" that in effect signaled the imminent start of the "ascension"... aka "rebirth".
In this context the "water broke" on March 11, 2011 right at the beginning of the actual Lent period (= no meat), March 9-April 23, via the Japanese "Birthtquake".
Too many lives lost - transitioning from the physical to the Beyond.
Closely followed by Passover, Easter and then the Royal Wedding all clustered in late April, starring the bride Catherine-Carina.
The phoenix rises, ascension in full swing...

...whisper the Overlords, who Arthur C. Clarke reveals in Childhood's End, are from a star system in... Carina.
The phantom light was beginning to wane. Now it was a fading streak, pointing to the heart of the constellation Carina, as Jan had known that it would. The home of the Overlords was somewhere out there...
- from Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke
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Hopefully I've done enough in this article that the reader can now really feel the "intercontextual coherence", perhaps for the first time. This is how we can short-circuit time and get a little glimpse of the future and truth. And it's a good time to take a plunge deep into the rabbit hole like this... so you don't get "left behind".

Φιλε μου ο σημερινός εχθρός σου είναι η παραπληροφόρηση των μεγάλων καναλιών. Αν είδες κάτι που σε άγγιξε , κάτι που το θεωρείς σωστό, ΜΟΙΡΆΣΟΥ ΤΟ ΤΩΡΑ με ανθρώπους που πιστεύεις οτι θα το αξιολογήσουν και θα επωφεληθούν απο αυτό! Μην μένεις απαθής. Πρώτα θα νικήσουμε την ύπνωση και μετά ΟΛΟΙ ΜΑΖΙ τα υπόλοιπα.