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Fukushima Orders Of Magnitude Worse Than Chernobyl, say Dr. Caldicott vid

A must watch video...factual, shocking and sad...and even without the effects of a comet coming close to earth ...looks as if we've already done ourselves in. Nancy
Fukushima Orders Of Magnitude Worse Than Chernobyl, say Dr. Caldicott
Mon, May 16, 2011 7:08:04 AM
Dr Helen Caldicott – Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Dr. Helen Caldicott is a doctor, political activist, dissident and internationally-recognized author and public speaker. Dr. Caldicott recently made a chilling presentation on the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
It’s ironic and humbling for the Japanese (who are presumed to be so highly intelligent) to see that those damn fools built six nuclear reactors on an earthquake fault line. Thanks to Japanese hubris, the Japanese have effectively “nuked” Japan and caused more radioactivity damage than was first inflicted by the US atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII.
The Japanese have (nearly) “killed” Japan.
The Fukushima catastrophe is of biblical proportions. The disaster doesn’t merely indict a corporation, government or technology–it indicts mankind.
Fukushima orders of magnitude worse than Chernobyl, says Dr. Caldicott
by J. D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) - A renowned nuclear activist has said the crisis at Japan's Fukushima nuclear complex brought on by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and resultant tsunami March 11 is much worse than the atomic disaster at the Chernobyl plant in the former Soviet Union in 1986.
Dr. Helen Caldicott, at a March 18 Montreal press conference where she talked about the dangers of atomic war, discussed a wide range of nuclear-related issues she says are having profound effects on Europe, the U.S. and Japan - just a week after the quake crippled at least two of the site's six nuclear reactors, which resulted in the release of radioactive materials.
Citing a report titled, "Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment," the Australian-born Caldicott said information analyzed in the years since the disaster have produced startling information about the ongoing damage to the earth and the environment being caused by such nuclear accidents.
While Japanese officials have sought to temper damage assessments, Caldicott says it is far worse than what is being talked about publicly. Japan's disaster is, she said, "by orders of magnitude, many times worse" than Chernobyl.
"Never in my life did I think that six nuclear reactors would be at risk," she said. "I knew the three GE (General Electric) designers who helped design these Mach 1...reactors. They resigned because they knew they were dangerous."
She said while the reactors "mostly" stood up to the quake, the tsunami created by it caused most of the damage at the plant, knocking out electricity to the reactor's cooling facilities, which ultimately led to a release of radioactive contaminants.
Caldicott, a physician who has spent nearly 40 years raising public awareness about medical hazards related to the nuclear age, said she and fellow researchers "extrapolated" information contained in the Chernobyl report - which was gleaned from some 5,000 translated documents - to come to conclusions about Japan's disaster.
Among the Chernobyl report's findings:
- Despite figures released by the United Nation's World Health Organization and International Atomic Energy Agency, more than 1 million people have died as a result of the Chernobyl accident, making it "one of the most monstrous cover-ups in the history of medicine;"
- In Chernobyl, some 20,000 people have developed thyroid cancer;
- Europe has been contaminated by Chernobyl; "40 percent of Europe is still radioactive," she said, adding, "Turkish food is extremely radioactive."
Caldicott also said the United States used uranium in Fallujah and Baghdad, Iraq; in Fallujah, she said, "80 percent of the babies being born are grossly deformed," including some being born without brains, and missing eyes and limbs, leading doctors to tell women to "stop having babies."
She also said the use of uranium has led to an increase in the incidence of childhood cancer by 12 times, adding: "This is genocide; there is nuclear war being conducted in Iraq."
Lifetime activist Caldicott co-founded Physicians for Social Responsibility, a U.S.-based affiliate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, a group that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. She once taught pediatrics at Havard Medical School, has authored seven books and has written for a number of publications. She is also a member of the International Scientific Advisory Board advising Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of Spain.
Regarding the nuclear age, "this is the greatest public health hazard the world has ever witnessed, apart from the threat, every day, of nuclear war," she said..
Precautionary Measures to do: Be sure to take Modifilan daily. . good source Brown algae (Fucoidan) is shown to help detox radiation effects (especially type that causes bone cancer)
Iosol Iodine good source: Keeps the thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine
Adya Biotite Minerals and Filter Sysetem: Percipitates radioactive contamination of petro chemicals out of water and the body
ElectroEssence: good source: Flower essence designed to prevent radiation from entering the body by taking sublingual drops daily
Start growing your own food indoors: Protect your food from ratiation and chemtrail contamination. Look into getting a greenhouse . . . this isn't going away any time soon.
STAY OUT OF THE RAIN, Take Plenty of Anitoxidants Daily. Also keep your immune system strong by avoiding sugar!