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Kefir Rediscovered / The Nutritional Benefits of an Ancient Healing Food

Kefir Rediscovered / The Nutritional Benefits of an Ancient Healing Food
By Klaus Kaufman
Published by Alive Books PO Box 80055 Burnaby British Columbia Canada V5H 3X1
ISBN 0-920470-65-3
From pages 23-27
Chapter 3
Fun and Fundamentals of Food Ferments
Fascinating Ferments
Most people's diet is devoid of fermented food and drinks other than alcoholic beverages. Few people ever
eat lactic acid-fermented foods or drink lactic acid-fermented drinks. This is true even of those who
eat commercial yogurt.
Though many people eat yogurt, it is most often "pseudo-yogurts" that are consumed and they no longer
contain adequate quantities of beneficial cultures, most often because the yogurt is heat-treated, killing
off the live fer­ments. According to researcher Khem Shahani, Ph.D., Professor of Food Sciences and
Technology at the University of Nebraska, and a consultant to the industry, centrifugation of
commercial products is another treatment that results in insufficient microorganisms (ferments) in the yogurt.
Yet it is the ferments that are the magic key in the realm of nutrition. Ferments are supermetabolizers
that cause such miracles as food constituent conversion, nutrient assimilation, cell transformation,
elemental transmutations and plant and animal metamorphoses. They help the diseased body reassemble
healthy tissues. Ferments are the ultimate promoters of continued good health.
But why should this be so? Where does the energy for transmutation come from? Well, you see, ferments are
minuscule converter reactors that create tremendous energy for living tissues. Inside our bodies,
ferments- or enzymes, as we moderns prefer to call them - control anabolism (synthesis of complex molecules)
and catabolism (breakdown of complex molecules). Enzymes are in charge of the build-up and separation of
the metabolic pathway. So it behooves us to look a little closer at these magical enzymes.
Enlivening Enzyme Eccentricity
Every modern lock has a unique key. Enzymes are like keys in that they are highly specific in their tasks.
Examples of such specific enzymes are the amylases. They catalyze the conversion of starches to sugars.
Protease, another enzyme, unlocks the mechanism that reduces proteins. Lipase enables the break-up of fats.
Oxidase by its "turning in the lock" prevents oxygen in nutrients from interfering with intestinal nutrient
Every living cell needs enzyme helpers - ferments! - for mastering the huge task of transmutation in
metabolic energy conversions. It is the totality of this act we call metabolism. In discussing enzymatic
catalysis, it helps to know that the word enzyme comes to us from the Greek "enzym" and that "enzumos" means
"leavened." Leavening involves mixing in something to induce a general change for the better. And as you
probably know from experience, leavened bread is quite a different product than unleav­ened bread.
Just as most breads need leavening, so every human cell needs specific enzymes (leavenings) for the many steps
of anabolism and catabolism. A living cell contains thousands of different enzymes whose task it is to
hasten or to hinder or to fix living metabolic processes. Without the presence of active enzymes,
cell division cannot and does not take place. This means that growth or renewal cannot occur. It also
means that substances spotted as injurious, such as harmful bacteria or poisons, cannot be dissolved and
eliminated. Without the helping ferments, our cells would be as helpless as we are before a locked car or a
locked house or a locked place of work without the key to let us in. Enzymes grant access!
Just as we safeguard our important keys, so our enzymes need protecting. Many enzymes (ferments or leavenings)
are sensitive to major fluctuations in temperature (a rise from 78 to 122 o F; 25 to 50°C, for example). As
a result, they lose their ability to make active, to activate. Suppose the key is rusty and no longer
works in the lock. Oil would be needed. Poisons cause similar unwanted affects on enzymes. Many prescription
medicines and pharmaceuticals inhibit proper enzyme activity through unwanted side affects. Often enough,
the damage to important enzymes can be so overwhelming that a return to normal functioning is no longer
possible. The key has broken off in the lock, as it were. You can no longer enter the system even with oil.
We must take care to protect these sensitive keys to our system and keep them safe from harm. Holistic
nutrition and holistic healing, and fermented milk products, kefir in particular, provide just such a
Right Is Right, Left Is Gauche
Kefir contains more L[+] or right-turning lactic acid than D[-] or left-turn­ing lactic acid. The structural
formulas of the isomers (chemical substances that have the same molecular formula but different physical and
chemical properties due to the different arrangement of the atoms in the molecules) of the two types oflactic
acid give a good illustration of how different these two forms really are:
Molecular fonnulas showing the two isomers of Lactic Acid
Left-turning D [ -] Lactic Acid (levorotatory) Turns rays of polarized light to the left
Right-turning L[ +] Lactic Acid (dextrorotatory) Turns rays of polarized light to the right
In the structural formula, 0 stands for oxygen, H for hydrogen, C for carbon. But notice in particular the
arrangement of the OH groups. In the left-turning lactic acid, the grouping is to the right, in the
right-turning acid, it is to the left. This is a quirk of science that has led to misunder­standings before.
As can clearly be seen, one version is very much like a mirror image of the other. They are indeed very, very
similar lactic acids. Yet if we employ the model of lock and key mechanism, we can easily see why only one
key fits while the other will not "turn" the lock. Just imagine the formulas above were key bits and you can
see how only one could work to unlock a certain lock.
In Germany, manufacturers of soured milk products are already advertising their particular brand as
containing mostly right-turning lactic acid, usually 80 percent. Why should they bother? Who cares? Isn't
left-turning lactic acid just as good? Besides, have you ever seen anything turning one way or the other?
You mean that matters? HOLD IT. Let's examine this directional business and see if it takes us into the
right, sorry, proper direction.
After or during vigorous exercise the lactic acid level in the blood rises by five to ten times of normal
values. We experience this excess lactic acid as muscle soreness or pain. While this is an unpleasant
symptom oflactic acid metab­olism, it is balanced by the fact that lactic acid also intensifies our
breathing faculties and therefore the oxygen intake into the cells of our brain, liver and kidneys.
Right-turning lactic acid is a normal constituent of the human body. It is important, according to
scientific experts, that the cells of the heart muscle obtain their energy primarily from right-turning lactic
Right-turning lactic acid is able to increase breathing, that is the intake of oxygen, of highly
active cancer cells.lO Does this mean that cancer cells will proliferate under a diet that includes regular
intake of kefir? No. It means that the oxygen-deprived and for this reason proliferating cancer cells are
turned in the right direction again!
This is such a complicated mechanism that I have fully delved into it elsewhere. (See Reviving Choked-Off
Cells, page 31.) Suffice it here to say that soured milks like kefir, with mainly right-turning lactic
acid, represent great value for our health. They increase the metabolism of our tissues, promote
intestinal activity and are indispensable cofactors in the prevention and treat­ment of all malignant
The Trouble with Left-Turning Lactic Acid
While the individual kinds of soured milks vary considerably in the way they are produced and the use
of lactic acid-producing bacteria and ferments, their nutrient and active ingredient content is similar. It
is their lactic acid content that is very different. It depends very much on the method employed. An L.
bulgaricus yogurt, for instance, contains a total of 65 to 70 percent left-turning lactic acid according to one
kefir expert. Only the remainder, i.e., up to 30 percent is right-turning.
Consuming left-turning lactic acid can be problematic. On the polarized light circuit at least, being
right-turning is far more right than being left-turning. For the human body, only the
right-turning, (L+) lactic acid is natural and physiologically correct. Left-turning (D-) lactic acid
is a foreign substance for the human organism. It does not contain the necessary enzymes for proper
utilization by the body.
The urinary system flushes the majority of left-turning lactic acid out of the system and the liver converts
the remainder into carbonic acid and water. For this task the human liver contains a nonspecific enzyme that
is not fully functioning in babies. Consequently, babies react to left-turning lactic acid with inner
distillation that results in acidosis and increased expulsion through the urine. This causes a disturbance
of the mineral household and metabolism. Because of this problem, parents should curtail the consumption of
large quantities of lactic acid products by babies. Even so, according to some experts, proper amounts of
kefir playa vital role in the development of a healthy digestive tract in babies.
The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations investigated the question of lactic acid
fermentation. This resulted in the recommendation that consumption of left-turning lactic acid be limited in
adults to 100 mg perlkg of body weight. There is no limitation, however, for right-turning lactic acid for
adults. In foods prepared for babies and toddlers, on the other hand, only right-turning lactic acid should
be used.
For these reasons, large quantities of yogurt (more than one liter per day), are not good even for adults,
as their overwhelming content of left-turning lactic acid can lead to a strain on the metabolism.
Consumption of large quantities over extended periods can also harm the flora normally living in the
intestines. Homemade, thickened milk on the other hand, contains both kinds of lactic acid, with only a small
excess of one kind or the other.
Most kefir contains between 0.85 and 1.5 percent lactic acid. Acidity is a controlling factor in microbiology.
A pH (standing for potential hydrogen, i.e., hydrogen potential) below seven is acid, above seven it is
alkaline and at seven the pH is neutral. Different cultures require different pH. Final acidity in kefir
is below pH 3. As lower pH numbers indicate higher acidity, and higher pH numbers indicate higher
alkalinity, kefir is on the acidic side of this scale. The predominant form oflactic acid produced is the
right and right-turning form, with some left-turning
lactic acid present.
And from pages 31-36
Chapter 4 Reviving Choked-Off Cells
Kefir has been shown to have anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties. It seems that proliferating cancer cells
can be at least partially restored to normal function, i.e., healed through reactivating them to normal
function by involving the work of lactic acid in the body. And some of the most respected scientists have
suggested a pathway by which lactic acid fermentation might fight mutant cancer cells. To understand this, we
must first know that in cancer pathology, the destruction of normal cell respiration is one of the
root causes of the disease.* * According to cancer researchers Dr. Heinrich Jung, Johannes Kuhl, PhD and
It helps to understand that if certain processes in the body can go wrong, leading to the proliferation of
cells that no longer service the whole body but work against it, then certain other processes may correct
the imbalance and restore cellular order. The body's immune system produces T-cells that can destroy tumor
cells. Certain chemicals, called carcinogens, can inhibit T-cells by blocking them and effectively
locking them out. Now we must find the right key that might unlock the power of the immune system again to
successfully deter cancerous growths. There are a number of chemical repressors that successfully fight
cancer cells, such as the chemicals employed in chemotherapy. Unfortunately, these chemical agents.
German physician and scientist Johannes Kuhl, who has studied the workings of cancerous cells and the
healing action of lactic acid. According to Dr. Kuhl, "Cancer is not a localized tumor only, but a
generalized ailment of the entire organism." Therefore, to remove part of the body through surgery, or to
submit a cancerous organ to gamma radiation is hurtful and insufficient as it does not remove the root cause.
Kuhl considers such methods actually harmful as the most immediate effect of surgery and radiation is to
further weaken the patient.
"Lactic acid is the functional element of growth in nature and the regenerative component for damaged
plant and animal cells," writes Dr. Kuhl in his book Checkmate to Cancer (Schach dem Krebs). He goes on,
"It's the lack of the presence of nature-grown lactic acid in our daily diet that is the real problem."
Dr. Kuhl is working from within the framework of isopathic law, which holds that a disease contains the
means for its cure in its own causative agent, when he suggests that fermented milk products are invaluable as a preventive and healing agent in disease. According to isopathic law, lactic acid from ferments like kefir removes excess lactic acid from body cells. Therapeutic administrations of lactic acid-fermented foods are therefore curative of body cells that are "fermenting." Following the isopathic law that was first applied by
Hippocrates and reaffirmed by Paracelsus, Robert Koch and Pasteur, Dr.Kuhl recommends to start cancer treatment with a weak but frequent dose of lactic acid, which should then be gradually increased.
Says he, "In tumor treatment we must treat the very formation of cell life; respiration and fermentation."
It is only possible to treat cell respiration indirectly, so as to avoid destroying or paralyzing the cell. This is best accomplished through the ingestion of lactic acid-fermented foods.
Latest scientific findings suggest that it is best to introduce lactic acid-fermented foods from a variety of sources, e.g.,
kefir, kombucha, lactic acid-fermented fruits, lactic acid-fermented vegetables, etc.

Dr. Kuhl emphasizes that it is "completely meaningless to expect a normal fermentation in an artificial tissue, such as cancer. The over-acidification of the body cells is not to be fought and eliminated allopathically, but isopathically. Nobody can change that.
Preventing cancer means, according to the results
of my research, seeing to it that there is a regulation of the lactic acid metabolism in the body cells (tissues), so that the physiological (that is the normal quantity needed by the body) lactic acid never becomes a pathologically overabundant substance."

Kuhl goes on to explain that, "the cancer disease is a chronic disturbance of the lactic acid metabolism. . .. The toxic amount of lactic acid present causes precipitous proliferation of cells that do not reach the stage of maturity. This process is called the whip effect. They form the cancer nodes, or if there is
decomposition, the cancer tumor. These immature cells cannot breathe. Since the last cell regeneration has not been reached, they lack a respriatory system"

The body, fighting for survival, wants to regain health. It works to reor­ganize the affected tissues.
It produces a supportive growth substance, lactic acid. But the noxious elements present prevent the sick cells from healing. The body, its system gone awry, produces more lactic acid. The cells must regain their health, that is become mature and then proliferate, to eliminate defective tissue. But when the level of the
growth substance (lactic acid) becomes toxic, the cells are driven to multiply but can no longer mature. The byproduct of this cellular struggle is a malignancy. The immature cells fail to develop breathing capacity.
"Cancer," according to Kuhl, "is a chain of causes [and] the only sure way for overcoming cancer is prophylaxis through nutrition which . . . protects the fermentation and hormone systems of the organism from
damage, maintains the ability of the lymphatic defense apparatus to function preventatively, and prohibits the forming of diseased lactic acid through cancer poisons."
Kuhl's analysis of the nature of cancer, the destructive nature of the body's endogenous lactic acid, and the role that lactic acid plays constructively, are nothing short of astonishing. Yet the universally held idea of cancer as a localized condition prevails even today in most medical centers, where researchers are still desperately seeking, but not finding, the magic bullet that will cure cancer.
Dr. Kuhl believes that people who eat lactic acid-fermented foods hold the reins of their lives in their own hands. They are preventing malignant tumor growths by observing the isopathic law, even if they do so unknowingly.
Dietary Management of Genital herpes:
The Kefir trail

Kefir is a milk fermented beverage that can restore the intestinal flora. It contains 270 mg of lysine per100g ( 3.52 oz) which is pretty good
because plain yogurt, one of richest source of lysine, contains 311mg per 100 mg, just 41 mg more than Kefir. And Kefir doesn't contain any arginine at all whereas plain yogurt contains 105 mg. This could suggest that Kefir is an even better source of lysine than plain yogurt.

Kefir is also a probiotic. That means it contains micro-organisms that restore and add to the intestinal flora. It is a much stronger probiotic than any yogurt. A strong intestinal flora promotes a strong and healthy immune system. Actually, Kefir has been found to be
immune-stimulant in animal studies and antimicrobial so milk Kefir may provide several benefits against herpes. Kefir has been used for the treatment of herpes but I haven't found any scientific data supporting it.

If you want to learn how to make kefir at home take a look at Dom's Kefir making in-site. This website feels a little bit like a maze but it's filled with great info on kefir. Kefir is very easy to make once you have the kefir grains. I make them from organic milk. I find it delicious
but you may find the taste a little bit strange. Sweetening it with honey or maple syrup may help.

A little advice; start slowly. I've noticed that Kefir had very nice detoxifying properties and may be a little laxative at first.
So I'd advise starting with one glass a day. If you're allergic to dairy products, you can make a stronger Kefir with less lactose in it. Dom's explains everything really well. Please avoid Kefir starters and use Kefir grains instead. This way you'll be sure to make the real kefir. Kefir is a beverage a little thicker than milk but much more liquid than yogurt. I tried to make yogurts out of Kefir and it just doesn't work.
So don't let your milk ferment too long.

Φιλε μου ο σημερινός εχθρός σου είναι η παραπληροφόρηση των μεγάλων καναλιών. Αν είδες κάτι που σε άγγιξε , κάτι που το θεωρείς σωστό, ΜΟΙΡΆΣΟΥ ΤΟ ΤΩΡΑ με ανθρώπους που πιστεύεις οτι θα το αξιολογήσουν και θα επωφεληθούν απο αυτό! Μην μένεις απαθής. Πρώτα θα νικήσουμε την ύπνωση και μετά ΟΛΟΙ ΜΑΖΙ τα υπόλοιπα.