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The Mysterious Zone of Silence..

Like most people currently posting on ATS today, I enjoy nothing more than hearing about impossible sounding tales of earthly anomalies, paranormal phenomenon, the "unknown" and so on. I find them nothing short of fascinating, and I'm sure others feel the exact same way.

Because of this, and just in general man's nature to seek out the unknown, I've been looking into a couple of these tales more as of late. One of which I've come across, one I'm sure many know about, is the very one I'm discussing in this thread here - this being one of the most compelling cases I've come across for a while.

Found 400 miles south of El Paso, Texas, near Bolsón de Mapimí and Ceballos in Mexico, the mysterious zone of Silence..

This mysterious location is already quite a well known phenomenon, admittedly - albeit there isn't a great deal known about the source of much of the odd phenomenon said to occur here at the same time - such phenomenon that is said to have occurred in the past here stems from strange UFO's and light in the skies, some rising from mysterious lakes, to complete radio and signal silence and much more.

All this coming from a particularly small area in the north of Mexico (see image below), known to the locals only as Zona Del Silencio (see the first image above)

One of the first known instances of "odd behavior" coming from this location, one of the first modern should I say, comes from around the 1930's I believe and from a pilot called Francisco Sarabia (see below). Upon flying his aircraft over the mysterious site, he noticed that suddenly, and without any warning, his radio had completely stopped working.

The rest of the instruments on the plane had seemingly either stopped working, or had gone completely wild also. Sarabia becoming in this instance, the very first to experience the odd behavior to stem from this small Mexican site and he certainly wasn't the last.

It was then later confirmed that radio waves, for some reason, cannot be transmitted in and above the area due to the anomalous local magnetic fields occurring here (This is further explained In the coming paragraphs).

In fact, in the 70's, and after the Americans were testing a missile from the White Sands Missile Base in nearby New Mexico, It was noticed that the rocket had completely missed It's target, ending up soaring hundreds of miles off coarse! Where did it land? ..It was of course, in this very small zone - the zone of silence. It was actually as if it was being pulled into the zone from some 'unknown force'.

It only after this that a team of U.S. Air Force investigators were to journey to the crash site, and subsequently discover that all radio signals fail to travel through the air, creating a type of "dark zone" thus the name of the location. Some magnetic force, with the power to dampen radio waves, seems to exist in the region. If one was to travel here today, they would find that there would be no television, no radio or walkie talkies, no use of a mobile phone as no short wave, microwave, or satellite signals seem to penetrate this zone for some reason. The name, Zone of Silence quickly adopted after this discovery.

With this though, It appears otherworldly behavior is also of interest to this area. Certain individuals, I believe Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is one, claims this location, due to It's magnetic anomaly, is possibly being used as some sort of stopping zone for the extraterrestrial life whom is supposedly and currently visiting earth as It could possibly be one of the only means of travelling through earth for them It appears. This, of course, nothing but a theory at this point..

This location seemingly being in line with other other locations of interest from around the world. One of which is the Bermuda Triangle and another being the pyramids in Egypt It seems giving believers of this theory more reason to believe in it:

However, we need not travel so far to encounter a part of the world that is even more perplexing than these others, although it remains little known to most people: Mexico's mysterious, magical zona del silencio--the Zone of Silence, just four hundred miles away from El Paso, Texas. Deserts are often considered to be mysterious enough without the added weirdness that this patch of earth some four hundred miles from El Paso has to offer. It is a place which gobbles up radio and TV signals, and which has of late been associated with the UFO phenomenon.

According to Dr. Santiago Garcia, there has been an awareness of the unusual properties of the area since the mid-nineteenth century, when farmers trying to eke out a living in the forbidding environment became aware of the "hot pebbles" which routinely fell to earth from the clear sky. In the 1930s, Francisco Sarabia, an aviator from the northern Mexican state of Coahuila, reported that his radio had mysteriously ceased to function, earning him the
distinction of being the Zone of Silence's first victim.

Theorists are quick to point out that the Zone of Silence is geographically located just north of the Tropic of Cancer and shares the same latitude south of the 30th parallel as the Egyptian Pyramids, the sacred cities of Tibet, and the Bermuda Triangle, a fact scientist point out is probably a simple coincidence. In fact, scientists at the Mexican research center have dubbed the region the Sea of Thetys because millions of years ago the area lay at the bottom of an ocean.

Here is an image showing the lining up from the Zone of Silence, to the Bermuda Triangle and finally to the Pyramids in Egypt (this listed from left to right in the below image).

(Image courtesy of the history channel and the AA series)

(Image courtesy of the history channel and the AA series)

Strange sightings of these alleged Alien beings that are said to be present here, mostly in there crafts have seemingly been spotted on quite the regular occurrence also giving this small location in New Mexico reputation for being something of a UFO hotspot.

Particularly sightings of strange anomlous lights in the skies are sighted, in some circumstances, actual objects are seen. Some even claim to have seen objects rise from one of the nearby lakes here among seeing actual beings in separate incidents also...

Some believe the area is a magnetic grid point or portal where earth energy is concentrated. This energy is linked to UFO activity and ancient astronaut theory, some believing aliens still return to these highly magnetic areas, either by ship or through wormholes. No reliably-documented evidence exists to support any of these claims, though UFO sightings are common in Mexico. Strange lights, floating orbs, burning bushes, flying saucers, and alien encounters have all been reported with a degree of abundance in the area. Ranchers report the night sky is often filled with mysterious lights, and floating aircraft that allegedly landed vertically in the desert, often causing brush to ignite and catch fire.

There have been reports of encounters with strange humanoid creatures. One ranch family claims they are regularly visited by a trio of blonde, long haired humanoids, two males and a female, that speak perfect Spanish. As the story goes, the visitors only ask for water, never for food or other provision. And when asked once by the rancher where they came from, they reportedly answered "from above".

A visiting researcher who became lost in the desert, reported that he was directed back to his research center by a similar trio of blonde strange looking people. Another story has it that a TV news investigation crew was aided by strange beings in the desert after being stuck in the road after an unusual cloud burst. These beings reportedly wore long raincoats and ball caps, something, admittedly, you don't often see in the desert wilderness.

How much about the unusual region in northern Mexico is true and how much is the product of human imagination, how much fact and how much fiction, no one can say for sure. But there is little question that there does exist some natural phenomena that appears to evade logical explanation. What the cause and effect may be - science, or science fiction - or a bit of both, remains to be proven.

Much of the UFO sightings could be attributed to the many meteor strikes that are said to occur here also. And this area is certainly well known for being, as well as UFO hot spot, a meteor strike hot spot also. High levels of magnetite have even been discovered there, further raising the speculation that there may be some unusual magnetic properties associated with the minerals in the chalky soil. There are nearly constant falls of small meteors known locally as guijolas.

Strikes hit here on a daily occurrence and I believe there is a higher concentration of strikes in this small area than any oter in the world in fact. Not forgetting that in February of 1969, the largest meteor found on earth, known as Pueblito de Allende, stuck the area also travelling at approximately 10 miles per second and producing a massive shockwave heard miles away from the impact zone.

(not the real image)

It's almost as if objects are constantly being 'dragged' into this small area of desert deemed the Zone of Silence for what ever reason. I revert back to the failed Missile strike and the meteors above also. Animals are said to have been mutated here also, rare species of plants can be found, and an over all weird sense of "something being off" is reported by many who visit. This truly is one very interesting location and one I would hope would see a lot more research in the future.

Who knows what we could end up discovering about our world if more time is taken to examine the inner workings of the strange and mysterious Zone of Silence found in a small patch of land in New Mexico...

Please see this fascinating video which goes into this in much more detail. It's certainly worth a watch:

The Zone of Silence