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US Prepares New Declaration Of “Worldwide War Without End”

A shocking new report emerging from the United States today shows that the bloodlust of America’s elite class has broken all the constraints of normal humanity as they push forward a law that amounts to nothing short of a never-ending Declaration of War against the entire world.
According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), these American warmongers have installed what they call a “sleeper provision” deep inside a number of defense bills pending before the US Congress that could become the single biggest hand-over of unchecked war authority from the Congress to the Executive Branch in modern American history.
This new law, the ACLU further says, would give President Obama unlimited power to wage war against anyone he chooses to, even the American people.
So fearful have many in America become of the elites new leader, Barack Obama, that one of his most noted backers, Princeton University professor and leading black intellectual, Dr. Cornel West, said this past week that the President was nothing more than “a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats.”
Startling new evidence about Dr. West’s claim that Obama is, indeed, “a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs” emerged this past week, too, after the noted American reporter for Rolling Stone Magazine, Matt Taibbi, published a
people-vs-goldman-sachs-20110511">scathing article detailing how a US Senate panel investigating the 2008 financial collapse found evidence of mass corruption and perjury of these Wall Street oligarchs, all of whom the American President has refused to indict for what amounts to the largest theft in human history totaling in the Trillions.
For the American people themselves, there remains little hope, because with these new war powers the Obama regime will be able to descend upon them and destroy at will who oppose them.
The final nail in the coffin, so to speak, for the American peoples hope for freedom was, also, completely obliterated yesterday by the US Supreme Court refusing to hear a case involving US military detainees held without trial or charges and tortured, but which the Court ruled could not be heard because the government invoked what is called its “States Secret Privilege” meaning anything they want to do they can.   
This ruling by the US Supreme Court is even more chilling when viewed in the light of another new law‘terrorist’ be handed over to the US Military instead of civilian courts. working its way through the US Congress, sponsored by US House of Representative member Bobby Shilling, requiring that any American citizen deemed a
To those Americans believing their own government would never brand them as ‘terrorists’ they couldn’t be more mistaken as more of these people have been arrested under their Patriot Act terror laws than any foreigners have, some as young as 16-years-old, and military veterans!      
In order to fully understand what these American people are facing one need look no further than last weeks presentation by Obama’s top lawyer to the US Supreme Court in defending the Presidents new healthcare law wherein he stated that the US government has the “absolute power” to order its citizens to purchase consumer goods or do anything else it tells them to do.
Equally as chilling was a ruling this past week by the Supreme Court of the State of Indiana overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215 and stating that their citizens had no right to defend themselves against rogue police forces entering their homes illegally.  This ruling is all the more shocking being that the Americans fought their war for independence from the British over this exact issue of Crown forces illegally entering their homes.
For the United States to openly declare war against the entire world shows the sheer desperation of their elite class led by Obama, and the shocking facts about what America has become backs them up, in spades!
Having a national debt of over $55 Trillion, unfunded liabilities of nearly $114 Trillion, nearly 25 million unemployed, and with food costs soaring, and warned to get worse, the United States, nevertheless passed their 2012 defense budget of $690 Billion, an amount greater than all the world’s combined spending for arms and troops.
But, and as we had previously warned about in our March 8th report “Global Resource War Warned Has Begun Between East-West”, the world war America is preparing to embark upon has long been known about, and as reported by London’s Guardian News Service in their 2004 report “Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us” which, in part, says:
“A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.
The document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents.
'Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life,' concludes the Pentagon analysis. 'Once again, warfare would define human life.'
The American President Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) once said, “The only thing new in this world is the history you don't know.”, and, sadly, these American people have, apparently, forgotten all of theirs.

Φιλε μου ο σημερινός εχθρός σου είναι η παραπληροφόρηση των μεγάλων καναλιών. Αν είδες κάτι που σε άγγιξε , κάτι που το θεωρείς σωστό, ΜΟΙΡΆΣΟΥ ΤΟ ΤΩΡΑ με ανθρώπους που πιστεύεις οτι θα το αξιολογήσουν και θα επωφεληθούν απο αυτό! Μην μένεις απαθής. Πρώτα θα νικήσουμε την ύπνωση και μετά ΟΛΟΙ ΜΑΖΙ τα υπόλοιπα.